PMG (Physician Medical Group) of San Jose has approved the medical claim clearinghouse for use by all providers within the PMG Group. This newly released operational CHDPGateway portal (Clearinghouse) system allows any CMS-1500 medical claims to be electronically processed online. This process and software has been endorsed, approved and qualified by the PMG of San Jose, CA for CMS-1500 claims.
For all PMG of San Jose providers, CMS-1500 claims could be submitted free-of-cost by using 4eGuru Inc. as a clearinghouse. The EDI clearinghouse methodology used by allows claims to be prepared, checked for errors (validated to PMG’s pre-submission criteria), uploaded, and stored on a HIPAA-compliant secured server, ready to submit to the PMG’s secure ftp server/location for all the CMS-1500 claims.