How PM160 CHDP Works ? |
CHDPGATEWAY portal is a "Web-based and cloud-based software as a solution (SaaS) for PM160-claim EDI clearinghouse. It provides a useful electronic and online workflow. This electronic and online workflow is a user friendly, simpler, more universally usable and more versatile in operation than present PM160 paper claim flow. The Portal combines HIPAA compliant various healthcare protocol, interfaces and platform. This product & workflow designed to reduce & save costs, improve communications and optimize the CHDP Billing process for Physicians, Medical Groups, Billing Houses, Health Plan and county. The purpose of the portal is to replace PM160 paper claim flow with the “Web-based EDI claim gateway portal software as a solution”, which are not offered by the present PM160 paper claim flow. |
Patient Demographic data |
Fill online PM160 claim form |
Submit PM160 claim to clearinghouse |
Clearinghouse process and submit to Health Plan |
Submit Immunization data to CAIR |
Submit to County for PM160 Case Coordination |
EOB Posting |
Generate PM160, EOB and statistic reports |
Just and start submitting your CHDP claims today!